The Audit "Internationalisation of Universities" supports German universities to develop or amend their institutional internationalisation strategy. It provides advice in expanding from basic motives to specific goals and in developing individual tools to reach their goals. The Audit is an independent and systematic analysis of internationalisation processes and gives specific recommendations in four dimensions of activity (Planning & Steering, Study & Teaching, Research & Technology Transfer, and Advice & Support).
The Audit’s main focus lies on assessing and analysing the university’s internationality (i.e. its current situation and the status quo of its internationalisation measures) and developing recommendations for the development of the amendment of an institutional internationalisation strategy on this basis. To this end, it initiates a process of self-examination and discussion that involves the entire institution. Working with international experts also offers an objective view from the outside of the university’s internationalisation processes and measures.
Small universities have the possibility to participate in the Audit compact or the Audit strategy workshop. Those instruments are condensed versions of the Audit, tailored to the needs and resources of smaller universities.
The Re-Audit supports universities which have already completed the Audit process in their transition from developing their strategy to actively implementing their internationalisation goals. The main aims of the Re-Audit are to devise a medium-term implementation plan, to monitor the implementation process, and to provide a final assessment of its success.
The Audit Process
The regular Audit process lasts approximately 12 months. The key milestones in the process are the university’s self-evaluation report, the Audit team's visit to the university, and the concluding workshop focusing on future action.