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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author ORR, Dominic (MISHRA, Shweta)
Title A Comprehensive Approach to Investigating the Social Dimension in European Higher Education Systems—EUROSTUDENT and the PL4SD Country Reviews / Dominic Orr and Shweta Mishra
Publication year 2015
Source/Footnote In: The European Higher education area : between critical reflections and future policies / Adrian Curaj ; Liviu Matei ; Remus Pricopie ; Jamil Salmi ; Peter Scott (Editors). - Cham [u.a.] : Springer International Publishing, 2015. - S. 467 - 478, Volltext:
Inventory number 46827
Keywords Ausland : Europa : Studenten, Studium, Lehre ; Studentenschaft : Studienverhalten
Abstract Whilst the social dimension has been a main focus for the Bologna Process, at least since it was expressly defined as objective for the European Higher Education Area in 2007, it has been difficult to translate it into a manageable policy agenda. Using findings from surveys of students from the EUROSTUDENT project and the analyses of policy interventions within higher education systems carried out as part of the project Peer Learning for the Social Dimension (PL4SD), the authors of this contribution have tried to seek solutions to this quandary of inaction by proposing a different approach. (HRK / Abstract übernommen)
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