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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author STEINER, Lars (SUNDSTRÖM, Agneta C.; SAMMALISTO, Kaisu)
Title An analytical model for university identity and reputation strategy work / Lars Steiner ; Agneta C. Sundström ; Kaisu Sammalisto
Publication year 2013
Source/Footnote In: Higher education. - 65 (2013) 4, S. 401 - 415
Inventory number 34358
Keywords Hochschule : Wettbewerb ; Globalisierung ; Mobilität
Abstract Universities face increasing global competition, pressuring them to restructure and find new identities. A multidimensional model: identity, image and reputation of strategic university identity and reputation work is developed. The model includes: organizational identity; employee and student attitudes; symbolic identity; influence from buildings, artefacts and reputation; and external stakeholders? valuations. Image perceptions among employees, students and external stakeholders are proposed to have a transition-mediating function with respect to university identity. The model serves as an analytical tool for both academic scholars and university administrators in the strategic work with university identity, image and reputation, and aim to clarify the complex relations between these concepts.(HRK / Abstract übernommen) Steiner, Lars, E-Mail: