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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author EDMISTOM, Dawn
Title An examination of integrated marketing communication in US public institutions of higher education
Publication year 2008
Source/Footnote In: International Journal of Educational Advancement. - 8 (2008) 3-4, S. 152 - 175, Intranet: N:\Intranet\Bibliothek\Verschiedene Volltexte\International Journal of Educational Advancement\Edmiston Examination of integrated marketing International journal of educational advancement 8 (2009) 3-4.pdf
Inventory number 27425
Keywords Hochschulmarketing ; Hochschule und Öffentlichkeit ; Ausland : USA : einzelne Hochschulen
Abstract This research analyzes the strategic process of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and its current application in US public institutions of higher education (IHEs). The basis for this research was a survey questionnaire that analyzed the impact of IMC on 42 leading US public colleges and universities (as ranked by U.S. News & World Report). To further expand upon the findings of the survey, interviews were conducted with nine of the 42 survey respondents. The research revealed that several variables impact IMC in US public IHEs to include leadership and formal communication mechanisms. In addition, IMC was shown to contribute to heightened institutional brand recognition. The research also considers whether differences exist between an institution's IMC level and its Carnegie classification and geographic location. (HRK / Abstract übernommen)
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