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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Challenges in global alumni relations : the increasingly international character of alumni populations, and the challenges and opportunities that globalisation of education presents |
Publication year
2012 |
In: Internationalisation of European Higher Education : an EUA/ACA Handbook / Ed.: Michael Gaebel ... - Berlin : Raabe, 2012. - B 2.4. - S. 1 - 17
Inventory number
32278 |
Hochschulmarketing ; Internationalität |
Alumni audiences are increasingly international in nature. The ease of cross-border study is creating challenges and opportunities for alumni relations professionals. At the same time that global alumni are increasingly mobile and hard to reach via traditional communication, newer community platforms provide a way for alumni to form face-to-face and online groups for networking, communication, and mobilisation. This article describes the forces driving alumni networks internationally, and lays out some approaches for universities trying to overcome the obstacles inherent in the new, more global alumni landscape. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) |
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