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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
(LÖFSTRÖM, Erika; NEVGI, Anne)
Dealing with plagiarism in the academic community: emotional engagement and moral distress / Sanna Vehviläinen ; Erika Löfström ; Anne Nevgi |
Publication year
2018 |
In: Higher education. - 75 (2018) 1, S. 1 - 18
Inventory number
46624 |
Wissenschaft : Ethik in der Wissenschaft ; Wissenschaftliche Literatur ; Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ; Studentenschaft : Studienverhalten |
This article deals with the demands that plagiarism places on academic communities, and with the resources staff possess in dealing with these demands. It is suggested that plagiarism ought to be placed in the context of network of intertwining communities (scholarly, pedagogical and administrative), to which participants are engaged to a different extent. The relationship to the ethical issue of plagiarism is related to the subjects engagement in these communities. The article examines the way teachers deal with plagiarism from the point of view of work engagement and work-related wellbeing. In particular, we analyse job demands created by episodes of dealing with plagiarism as well as job resources teachers possess that aid them in coping with these demands. We used thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews of teachers in two universities. Our results show that the demands fall on five thematic categories: 1. rupture in the personal pedagogical relationship, 2. challenge on the supervisory gatekeeping responsibility; 3. a breach of the everyday normality; 4. ambivalence in explaining plagiarism and 5. the strain of performing the act of accusation. A key job demand in dealing with plagiarism is that teachers must balance both rule-ethical and care-ethical orientations in their reactions and actions. The resources teachers draw upon when dealing with these demands are: 1) dialogue and reflection in collegial dialogue 2) support from superiors and administration 3) shared protocols, procedures and plagiarism detection software. Our analysis shows that there are various demands that make dealing with plagiarism a strenuous task, but university environments also provide teachers with resources to cope with them. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) Vehviläinen, Sanna, E.Mail: Vehviläinen, Sanna, E-Mail: |