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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
C. Books
Title Development of the cooperation in the field of the EU-programmes SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI and TEMPUS in the Baltic Sea region : materials of a DAAD-seminar, 8th/9th of July Stralsund = Entwicklung der Kooperation in den EU-Programmen SOKRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI und TEMPUS im Ostseeraum / arr. by the DAAD, section EU Bonn, October 1996
Publisher Bonn, 1996
Collation Getr. Zählung : graph. Darst.
Publication year 1996
Inventory number 72209
Keywords SOCRATES ; LEONARDO ; TEMPUS ; Auslandsbeziehungen ; Europäische Zusammenarbeit
Signature K 08 DEVE