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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Title Enhancing the quality of education : a case study and some emerging principles / Myra Hodgkinson ; George Brown
Publication year 2003
Source/Footnote In: Higher education. - 45 (2003) 3, S. 337 - 352
Inventory number 16294
Keywords Ausland : Großbritannien : Studium, Studenten, Lehre ; Qualitätssicherung ; Lehre
Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide insights into the process that has been adopted to enable faculty and support staff (course administrators and technicians) to identify and enhance the quality of educational provision in a large UK Business School. The concern to address this issue was motivated initially by the demands of external subject review. There was a realisation by senior managers within the School that what was required was the embedding and sharing of good practice and continuous improvement of the provision: in short, an application of the concept of a learning organisation. The paper may assist others engaged in the task of enhancing the quality of student learning in their faculties or schools. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) Hodgkinson, Myra, E-Mail: