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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Title Impact of accreditation on improvement of operational inputs after two cycles of assessments in some Ghanaian universities / Kwame Dattey, Don F. Westerheijden and W.H.A. Hofman
Publication year 2017
Source/Footnote In: Quality in higher education. - 23 (2017) 3, S. 213 - 229
Inventory number 46959
Keywords Ausland : Ghana : einzelne Hochschulen ; Akkreditierung
Abstract The study assesses the influence of accreditation, after two cycles of evaluation on some selected Ghanaian universities. This was done by examining the changes that had occurred in specified indicators, mainly because of the implementation of suggestions for improvement made by the previous cycle’s evaluators. The study employed quantitative research methods in analysing the changes (for better or for worse) that had occurred in the selected indicators from one cycle of assessments to the other and as observed in the reports of the evaluators. The results showed varying degrees of improvements in the selected indicators at the subsequent assessments over the previous ones. (HRK / Abstract übernommen)