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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Title Institutional approaches to supporting uiversity entrepreneurship education : fitting entrepreneurship within university institutional architectures / Paul Benneworth ; Mike Osborne
Publication year 2016
Source/Footnote In: Journal of the European higher education area. - 6 (2016) 2 , S. 65 - 90
Inventory number 39770
Keywords Hochschule und Wirtschaft ; Hochschule und Staat : allgemein
Abstract Understanding the potential and dynamics of entrepreneurship in education requires a better understanding of how universities function as knowledge communities, and the role of stu-dents in such milieu. This understanding can reveal how universities’ teaching activities influ-ence the development of students’ entrepreneurial orientations and competencies. This article argues that entrepreneurship education has not yet fulfilled its potential partly due to a poor fit with other knowledge activities within universities. It proposes that a future research agen-da for universities’ entrepreneurship education should focus more on how entrepreneurship activities fit with universities’ core knowledge community activities. This would allow a cohe-rent understanding to emerge of the potentials and limitations of universities’ contributions to the inculcation of entrepreneurial attitudes. (HRK / Abstract übernommen)