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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author ROTT, Gerhart
Title Interdependencies in modern higher education : enhancing career management competence and student centred teaching an dlearning / Gerhardt Rott
Publication year 2015
Source/Footnote In: Journal of the European higher education area. - 5 (2015) 2, S. 71 - 89
Inventory number 38314
Keywords Studentenschaft : Studienverhalten ; Studiendauer, Studienerfolg : allgemein ; Ausländische Studenten : Studium und Examen
Abstract The article builds on the concepts of career management competence (CMC) and student-centred learning (SCL) introduced in the previous article, Academic Knowledge and Students? Relationship to the World: Career Management Competence and Student Centred Teaching and Learning. This follow-up article will make the link between CMC and SCL more explicit, with a focus on active reflective learning and institutional implementation. A closer look is taken at the question how an integrative approach (IA) can enhance some of the interactive potentials between SCL and CMC. Based on this analysis, implications for higher education institutional governance and supportive national and European policy development are outlined. Six cases from different countries, institutions and contexts throw a spotlight on crucial features of the topics introduced, and the conclusion sums up core results. (HRK / Abstract übernommen)