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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author HOVGAARD, Gestur
Title Master learning: a way to manage tertiary education in small island jurisdictions / Gestur Hovgaard
Publication year 2016
Source/Footnote In: Higher education. - 72 (2016) 5, S. 637 - 649
Inventory number 44808
Keywords Ausland : Färöer : Hochschulwesen allgemein ; Ausland : Island : Hochschulwesen allgemein
Abstract As a consequence of globalisation, there is now a general trend among hesitant small island jurisdictions to focus on educational planning in the tertiary sector. The question therefore is how smart solutions adapted to the specific contexts can be developed. This article argues for the need to innovate the societal role of the smaller state university with a focus upon planning and learning. The idea of masterlearning is presented as an important organising and learning framework for developing a flexible and rational alternative social science master in smaller educational environments.(HRK / Abstract übernommen) Hovgaard, Gestur, E-Mail: