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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
BROWN, Roger
New Labour and higher education : dilemmas and paradoxes |
Publication year
2003 |
In: Higher education quarterly. - 57 (2003) 3, S. 239 - 248
Inventory number
17225 |
Ausland : Großbritannien : Hochschulwesen allgemein ; Hochschule und Staat : allgemein ; Parteien |
David Blunkett's Greenwich speech (2000) set out what have become the main themes of New Labour's engagement with higher education, themes which were elaborated in the recent White Paper (). This paper draws attention to the dilemmas and paradoxes which arise from the difficulties of simultaneously satisfying the objectives which were set out in the aftermath of the 2001 general election, and from the trade off solutions and policies actually identified. The most fundamental conflict is between the desire to expand the system and the costs of that expansion. The author also identifies a conflict between institutional diversity and hierarchy and between exclusionism and accessibility. The paper concludes by suggesting that exclusionism is still alive and well under the government of a party that still has ?Labour? in its title. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) |