Detailed View
V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
LEPORI, Benedetto
Research in non-university higher education institutions : the case of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences |
Publication year
2008 |
In: Higher education. - 56 (2008) 1, S. 45 - 58
Inventory number
24458 |
Ausland : Schweiz : Forschung, Hochschullehrer ; Ausland : Schweiz : einzelne Hochschulen ; Fachhochschulen : allgemein |
This paper presents the development of research in the Swiss non-university higher education sector and frames it in the debate on the organization of higher education systems in Western Europe and on the dynamics between university and non-university sector. It shows that, in the Swiss case, the applied research mandate has been used to differentiate these institutions from universities and that this endeavor has been to a large extent successful in technology, while it has been a source of major tensions in the other domains. I conclude that the development of research in the non-higher education leads to complex dynamics of convergence and of differentiation and that this process is strongly influenced by the specificities and differences between different subject domains. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) Lepori, Benedetto, E-Mail: |