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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author VISSER, M. S.
Title The attainment of doctoral degrees at Flemish universities : a survival analysis / M. S. Visser ; M. Luwel ; H. F. Moed
Publication year 2007
Source/Footnote In: Higher education. - 54 (2007) 5, S. 741 - 757
Inventory number 23225
Keywords Ausland : Belgien : Studenten, Studium, Lehre ; Ausland : Belgien : einzelne Hochschulen ; Promotion : allgemein
Abstract This paper examines the propensity to attain a Ph.D. degree at the five largest universities in Flanders, the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. It provides insight into the rate at which junior scholars appointed at the universities involved attained their Ph.D.-degree, and the duration of the doctoral training period. Cox?s regression model was applied to statistically analyse the influence of a number of ?demographic? and ?merit? variables, and variables related to funding source and type of appointment of the junior scholarly staff. Large differences in Ph.D. durations and attainment rates were found across funding sources, research disciplines and types of appointments. The policy background and implications are discussed briefly. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) Moed, H. F., E-Mail: