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II. Higher Education, Higher Education Policy (Higher Education Law, Higher Education Organisation, Personnel Structure, Student Body, Educational Assistance, Higher Education Statistics)
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author MAIER, Friederike
Title The Berlin School of Economics as active part of the regional development : report within the OECD Review "Higher Education in the Region" / Friederike Maier ; Annette Fleck
Publication year 2010
Source/Footnote In: Die gute Hochschule : Ideen, Konzepte und Perspektiven ; Festschrift für Franz Herbert Rieger / Susanne Meyer ; Bernd Pfeiffer (Hg.). - Berlin : Edition Sigma, 2010. - S. 383 - 400
Inventory number 28047
Keywords Hochschulen : Berlin FHW : allgemein ; Hochschule und Region
Signature H 10-082 GUTE