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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author BANYA, Kingsley
Title The World Bank and financing higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa / Kingsley Banya ; Juliet Elu
Publication year 2001
Source/Footnote In: Higher Education. - 42 (2001) 1, S. 1 - 34
Inventory number 12639
Keywords Entwicklungshilfe : allgemein ; Entwicklungsländer ; Ausland : Sierra Leone : allgemein ; Ausland : Nigeria ; Ausland : Ghana ; Ausland : Senegal ; Ausland : Elfenbeinküste ; Ausland : Burkina Faso
Abstract This article critically examines World Bank and other donor agency´s policy changes toward financing of higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa. It concludes that policy vicissitudes have adversely affected these institutions.The recommendation is that the unique context of each state play a role in higher education financial formation and implementation. (HRK / Abstract übernommen) Banya, Kingsley, E-mail: ; Elu, Juliet, E-mail: