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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Title U-Multirank : A European Multidimensional Transparency Tool in Higher Education / Gero Federkeil ; Don F. Westerheijden
Publication year 2018
Source/Footnote In: Internationalisation of higher education : a handbook. - 6 (2018) 4. - F 3.5. - S. 77 - 96
Inventory number 47824
Keywords Ausland : Europa : Studenten, Studium, Lehre ; Ausland : Europa : Hochschulwesen allgemein
Abstract This article by two members of the U-Multirank team discusses rankings as transparency tools for higher education stakeholders. It shows briefly how early rankings met students’ and decision-makers’ needs in a limited way. They have been focused almost exclusively on research publication data; in contrast, U-Multirank is multidimensional. It includes individual customisation through a web tool, different information at institutional and field levels, and, with a view to student users, a major international student satisfaction survey. In our final discussion of outcomes and results, we conclude that U-Multirank shows that there is not one ‘best’ university in the world. HRK / Abstract übernommen)