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V. Foreign Higher Education and Education Systems, International Relations, Bilateral Relations
B. Essays, Commentaries, Statements
Author CHARLIER, Bernadette
Title Understanding Quality of Learning in Digital Learning Environments: State of the Art and Research Needed / Bernadette Charlier ...
Publication year 2015
Source/Footnote In: The European Higher education area : between critical reflections and future policies / Adrian Curaj ; Liviu Matei ; Remus Pricopie ; Jamil Salmi ; Peter Scott (Editors). - Cham [u.a.] : Springer International Publishing, 2015. - S. 381 - 398, Volltext:
Inventory number 46824
Keywords Lehre ; Multimedia / Internet ; Kommunikationstechnik
Abstract Over the last decade, the practice of higher education in Europe has become highly diversified and more complex. Among the visible phenomena related to the organization of studies that have appeared there are new forms of teaching and learning linked to digital learning environments. Faced with these developments, sometimes called a revolution, actors—policy makers, teachers, students—have very little in the way of scientific results to rely on. Such practices are still relatively new, and research done in this area rarely goes beyond feedback from experiences, case studies and satisfaction surveys. As such, research has not yet produced sufficient knowledge to provide a solid basis for decision-making. This chapter aims to start to address the current lack of scientific work in this area. More specifically, its ambition is to provide a theoretical framework based on the state of the art as well as research trials to answer two major questions: 1. How do student characteristics and those of digital learning environments interact? 2. What are the configurations emerging from these interactions that can lead to quality learning?. The overarching outcome will be to make new forms of teaching and learning linked to digital learning environments in higher education more intelligible.(HRK / Abstract übernommen)
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