"Enhancing Quality Across Borders - Regional Cooperation in Quality Assurance in Higher Education"

Bonn, 18 - 20 June 2007

The process of intensifying transnational, regional cooperation in the quality assurance of degree programmes is becoming ever more important. Given the internationalisation that is taking place in the field of higher education and in the globalisation of labour markets, this development cannot only be seen in Europe, but also in the emerging economies, in countries in transition and in developing countries.

An international conference in Bonn addressed the general frameworks for and practical implementation of regional quality assurance networks in the higher education sector. The conference enabled university rectors and presidents as well as representatives of international higher education organisations, the World Bank, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) that is financing the conference, plus students and representatives of companies and trade unions to discuss relevant questions and topics.

At the end of the conference, conference participants adopted a joint statement that addresses quality assurance players in the higher education sector, the universities themselves, the ministries and regional coordination bodies, as well as international sponsors and donors.


Conference Programme

Monday, 18 June 2007

Welcome by the organising institutions

Dr Christiane Gaehtgens, Secretary-General, German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)

Dr Christian Bode, Secretary-General, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Keynote Presentation
Overview on Global Developments in Quality Assurance with a Focus on Regional Cooperation Initiatives

Mr Peter P T Cheung, Board Member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and President, Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN)

Dr Richard Hopper, Tertiary Education Specialist, World Bank, Washington

Professor Dr Matthias Weiter,
Head, Section “Regional Development Policy; Middle East”, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Working Group Discussion on Regional Cooperation Initiatives

Working Group A: The Central American Quality Assurance System (CSUCA, CCA, ACAAI, ACAP)

Mr Francisco Alarcón, Deputy Secretary-General, Central American Superior Council for Higher Education (CSUCA)
Presentation; Abstract; Diagramme

Working Group B: The Standing Committee on Quality Assurance of the Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)

Professor Mayunga Nkunya, Coordinator, Regional Standing Committee on Quality Assurance, The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)

Working Group C: The Working Group on Quality Assurance of the ASEAN University Network (AUN)

Professor Dr Nantana Gajaseni, Deputy Executive Director, The ASEAN University Network (AUN)
Presentation; Paper

Working Group D: Regional Projects in the Arab Region

Dr Isam Naqib, Regional Project Manager, UNDP Higher Education Project for the Arab Region, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP Paper; Presentation

Professor Dr Nadia Badrawi, Member of the Pan-Arab Commission for the Establishment of Regional QAA, Association of Arab Universities (AARU) and Member of the Board, INQAAHE
Presentation;  Paper

Working Group E: The European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

Mr Séamus Purséil, Vice-President, The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Wrap-up of previous day

Mr Ton Vroeijenstijn
Senior Expert, The Netherlands

Working Groups

Working Group 1: Benchmarking and Development of QA Standards

Input Statements:

Professor Dr Damrong Thawesaengskulthai, Member of AUN-QA, ASEAN University Network and Chief Quality Officer, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Ms Birgit Hanny & Mr Christoph Heumann

Project Coordinators, EUR-ACE Project and Euro-Inf Project

Rapporteur:  Mr Mark Frederiks, Policy Advisor, European Consortium for Accreditation

Working Group 2:
Sustainable Funding Mechanisms for Regional QA – Obstacles and Options

Input Statements:
Dr Orlando Morales, Member of the Central American Accreditation Council (CCA) and Representative, Educational and Cultural Coordination of Central America (CECC)

Ms Kea Wollrad, Operations Specialist, Regional Technical Cooperation Division, Inter-American Development Bank

Professor Dr Amelia P Guevara, Member of AUN-QA, ASEAN University Network and Vice-President for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines Diliman

Rapporteur: Mr Francisco Alarcón, Deputy Secretary-General, Central American Superior Council for Higher Education (CSUCA)

Working Group 3:
Regional QA – Increasing Autonomy for the Universities?

Dr Karin Riegler, Senior Programme Manager, European University Association (EUA)

Mr Colin Tück, Bologna Process Committee, European Students’ Union (ESU)

Professor James Tuiotek, Member of the Standing Committee on Quality Assurance, IUCEA and Vice-Chancellor, Egerton University, Kenya

Rapporteur: Rev Dr Charles Kitima, Member of the Standing Committee on Quality Assurance, IUCEA and Vice-Chancellor, St. Augustine University of Tanzania

Working Group 4: Developing Equivalent QA Mechanisms – The Role of QA Manuals and Human Resource Development

Ms Michaela Martin, Programme Specialist, International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP)

Dr Gilberto Alfaro Varela, Former Coordinator of the CSUCA Regional Expert Team on QA and School of Chemistry, National University of Costa Rica

Dr Tan Kay Tan, Member of AUN-QA, ASEAN University Network and Acting Director, Office of Quality Management, National University of Singapore

Rapporteur: Dr Halima Wakabi Akbar, Member of the Standing Committee on Quality Assurance, IUCEA and Dean, Faculty of Education, Islamic University in Uganda

Working Group 5:
Joint QA Procedures and Mutual Recognition

Dr Guy Aelterman, Member of the Board, The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and Member of the Board, Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands & Flanders (NVAO)

Dr Isam Naqib, Regional Project Manager, UNDP Higher Education Project for the Arab Region, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Mr Ernesto Villanueva, Past-President, Ibero-American Network of Quality in Higher Education (RIACES)

Rapporteur: Professor Dr Nguyen Hoi Nghia, Member of AUN-QA, ASEAN University Network and Director, Centre for Educational Testing and Academic Quality Evaluation, Vietnam National University

Working Group 6: Enhancing Regional Employability through Quality Assurance

Dr Frank Stefan Becker,
Corporate Responsibility Corporate Citizenship, Siemens AG and Spokesman of the Working Group on Engineering Education of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI)

Dr Andreas Keller
, Member of the Standing Committee on Higher Education and Research, Pan-European Network, Education International

Dr Benjamin Jacobs, President, Central American Federation of Professional Colleges and Associations

Rapporteur: Mr Séamus Purséil, Vice-President, The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Regional Working Groups on Future Perspectives

Working Group F: Latin America
Chair/Rapporteur:  Ms María José Lemaitre
President, Ibero-American Network of Quality in Higher Education (RIACES)

Working Group G: East Africa
Chair/Rapporteur:  Professor Chacha Nyaigotti-Chacha
Executive Secretary, Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA)

Working Group H: Southeast Asia
Chair/Rapporteur:  Professor Dr Piniti Ratananukul
Executive Director, ASEAN University Network

Working Group I: Arab Region
Chair/Rapporteur:  Professor Dr Salwa Bayoumi El-Magoli
Chairperson, National Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee, Egypt

Working Group K: Europe
Chair/Rapporteur:  Dr Eric Lindesjöö
Member of the Nordic Quality Assurance Network in Higher Education (NOQA) and Project Manager, Swedish National Agency for Higher Education

Wrap-up and Closing Words

Professor Dr Johann Gerlach
Member of the Board, DAAD

Dr Michael Harms
Head, International Department, HRK