Degree programmes and admission restrictions: new HRK statistics now available online

29. October 2020

The German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) has published the latest figures on degree programmes and admission restrictions. They are based on information entered by universities in the HRK Higher Education Compass as at 1 September 2020, as well as additional statistical material.

In the current 2020/2021 winter semester, admission restrictions apply to 40.8 per cent of the around 10,700 undergraduate degree programmes. This represents a decrease of 1.5 percentage points compared to the previous winter semester (42.3 percent), indicating a continuation of a positive trend. Ten years ago, admission restrictions applied to more than half of undergraduate degree programmes (leading to an initial professional qualification).

Owing to the delayed start to admissions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Statistical Office will not publish the latest figures on new students until December. Only then will it be possible to assess the impact of the pandemic on the demand for study places, among other things.

The HRK publication “Statistical Data on Study Programmes at Universities in Germany – Winter Semester 2020/2021” is available online at (in German only).