666th HRK Executive Board, 21 March 2017, to the HRK General Assembly, 9 May 2017 Resolution "Organisational structures in higher education institutions"
21st General Meeting of the HRK, 8 November 2016 Recommendation "Part-time study" Recommendation "On quality assurance for doctoral degrees in medicine" Resolution "Creating a European Education, Research and Innovation Union" Resolution "Reorganisation of the accreditation system"
134th Senate of the HRK, 13 October 2016 Recommendation "Basic principles for a long-term Federal/State Government programme to recruit professors at universities of applied sciences" Universities as organisational centres of the research system and key players in society - Key considerations on the role of, and challenges facing, the universities
Joint declaration by the BDA, DGB and HRK, July 2016 To further improve the employability of university and college graduates
Joint declaration by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (8 July 2016) and the HRK (10 November 2015) European Study Reform
133rd Senate of the HRK, 15 June 2016 Resolution "Regarding the draft legislation of the federal government on the revision of the Maternity Protection Act" Recommendation "Towards strengthening research and development and early career researchers at universities of applied sciences"
20th General Meeting of the HRK, 10 May 2016 Resolution "University Medicine as an Integral Part of the University" Resolution "Key points for the further development of the accreditation system"
658th HRK Executive Board, 14 March 2016, to the HRK Senate, 15 March 2016 Recommendation "Reissue of certificates for court-approved change of first name"
19th General Meeting of the HRK, 10 November 2015 Resolution "Key points for the design of a pact for early career academics" Resolution "Application of the reworded Art. 91 b of the Basic Law" Recommendation "How university management can guide the development of research data management. Orientation paths, options for action and scenarios" Recommendation "General Principles for Continuing the Excellence Initiative"