Reissue of certificates for court-approved change of first name

Recommendation by the HRK Executive Board, 14 March 2016, to the HRK Senate, 15 March 2016

When an application is made for the reissue of a higher education certificate after a judicial change of first name in accordance with Sections 1, 8 of the Transsexuals Act (Transsexuellengesetz), the HRK
Executive Board recommends the following procedure to higher education institutions:

1. If a court order is presented for change of first name, the higher education certificate is reissued with the date of the first deed.

2. The original certificate is to be revoked.


If the person concerned has obtained a legally enforceable ruling for the change of the first name from the local court, the right of non-disclosure exists in relation to the past in the other gender role under Section 5 of the Transsexuals Act. A newly issued certificate with the current date or the date of legal effect would lead to a duty to disclose.