Found 69567 results.
Displaying results 32771 to 32780 of 69567.
Bridges to the future : the global landscape of international higher education / Darla K. Deardorff, Hans de Wit, and John D. Heyl
36007 DEARDORFF, Darla K. Bridges to the future : the global landscape of international higher education / Darla K. Deardorff, Hans de Wit, and John D. Heyl 2012 In: The SAGE handbook of inte
The global university : how do we ensure Canada's universities continue to be at the forefront amidst growing competition? / Paul Davidson
36544 DAVIDSON, Paul The global university : how do we ensure Canada's universities continue to be at the forefront amidst growing competition? / Paul Davidson 2013 In: Building success in a
Gute juristische Lehre - ist das überhaupt ein Thema? / Barbara Dauner-Lieb
36063 DAUNER-LIEB, Barbara Gute juristische Lehre - ist das überhaupt ein Thema? / Barbara Dauner-Lieb 2014 In: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft : ZDRW. - 1 (2014) 1, S. 1 - 7
The role of universities and institutional changes for lifelong learning / Que Anh Dang
36484 DANG, Que Anh The role of universities and institutional changes for lifelong learning / Que Anh Dang 2014 In: Leadership and governance in higher education : for decision-makers and ad
The idea of diversity management / Julia Czernecka
36069 CZERNECKA, Julia The idea of diversity management / Julia Czernecka 2013 In: Diversity and diversity management in educaton : a European perspective / Claudia Quaiser-Polhl ... (Eds.).
Evaluating doctoral programmes in Africa : context and praxctices / Michael Cross and Judy Backhouse
36543 CROSS, Michael Evaluating doctoral programmes in Africa : context and praxctices / Michael Cross and Judy Backhouse 2014 In: Higher education policy. - 27 (2014) 2, S. 155 - 174 BACKHOU
We've got you pegged : programme choice in the transition to, and passage, higher education / Michael Cosser ; Sekinah Nenweli
36061 COSSER, Michael We've got you pegged : programme choice in the transition to, and passage, higher education / Michael Cosser ; Sekinah Nenweli 2014 In: Higher education. - 67 (2014) 3,
Professional development for Chinese university leaders : collaboration, not competition / Constance Ewing Cook
36772 COOK, Constance Ewing Professional development for Chinese university leaders : collaboration, not competition / Constance Ewing Cook 2014 In: Survival of the fittest :the shifting cont
The evolving role of the "ombuds" in American higher education / Cathryn L. Claussen
36770 CLAUSSEN, Cathryn L. The evolving role of the "ombuds" in American higher education / Cathryn L. Claussen 2014 In: Survival of the fittest :the shifting contours of higher education in
Recommended bibliography on community-university engagement / Melba Claudio-González and Jesús Granados Sánchez
36168 CLAUDIO-GONZALEZ, Melba Recommended bibliography on community-university engagement / Melba Claudio-González and Jesús Granados Sánchez 2014 In: Higher education in the world 5 : knowle