Found 69601 results.
Displaying results 17791 to 17800 of 69601.
A history of Charles University / Charles University in Prague. Ed. by Frantisek Kavka ...
74265 A history of Charles University / Charles University in Prague. Ed. by Frantisek Kavka ... Prague : Karolinum Press 2001 80-246-0023-4 400 S. : Ill. UNIVERZITA KARLOVA [PRAHA] Ausland :
A history of Charles University / Charles University in Prague. Ed. by Frantisek Kavka ...
74264 A history of Charles University / Charles University in Prague. Ed. by Frantisek Kavka ... Prague : Karolinum Press 2001 80-246-0023-4 476 S. : Ill. UNIVERZITA KARLOVA [PRAHA] Ausland :
Histoire / Geschichte : L'Europe et le monde depuis 1945 / sous la direction de Peter Geiss et Guillaume Le Quintrec. Les auteurs: Ludwig Berlnlochner ...
74293 Histoire / Geschichte : L'Europe et le monde depuis 1945 / sous la direction de Peter Geiss et Guillaume Le Quintrec. Les auteurs: Ludwig Berlnlochner ... 1. Ed. Paris : Ed. Nathan : Stuttgart
Histoire / Geschichte : Europa und die Welt seit 1945 / hrsg. von Guillaume Le Quintrec und Peter Geiss. Ludwig Bernlochner ...
74292 Histoire / Geschichte : Europa und die Welt seit 1945 / hrsg. von Guillaume Le Quintrec und Peter Geiss. Ludwig Bernlochner ... 1. Aufl. Stuttgart [u.a.] : Klett, 2006 335 S. : Ill., graph. Dar
Die Hightech-Strategie für Deutschland
74398 Die Hightech-Strategie für Deutschland Bonn [u.a.], 2006 107 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. 2006 (Ideen zünden : die Hightech-Strategie für Deutschland) BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR BILDUNG UND FORSC
Higher education in the world 2007 : accreditation for quality assurance / Global University Network for Innovation
74824 Higher education in the world 2007 : accreditation for quality assurance / Global University Network for Innovation Barcelona : GUNI ; Houndmills : Palgrave MacMillan, 2007 XLVIII, 415 S. : gr
Higher education in the world 2006 : the financing of universities / Global University Network for Innovation
74825 Higher education in the world 2006 : the financing of universities / Global University Network for Innovation Barcelona : GUNI ; Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 XLVI, 330 S. : graph. Dar
Higher education for sustainability : new challenges from a global perspective / Maik Adomssent ... (Eds.)
74753 Higher education for sustainability : new challenges from a global perspective / Maik Adomssent ... (Eds.) Frankfurt am Main : Verl. für akad. Schriften, 2006 271 S. : graph. Darst. 2006 (Inno
Higher education and regions : globally competitive, locally engaged / OECD
74960 Higher education and regions : globally competitive, locally engaged / OECD Paris : OECD, 2007 238 S. 2007 978-92-64-03414-3 OECD Hochschule und Region ; Hochschule und Staat : allgemein
Higher education : handbook of theory and research / ed. by John C. Smart
74058 Higher education : handbook of theory and research / ed. by John C. Smart 1. ed. Berlin : Springer Netherland, 2005 X, 630 S. 2005 (Higher education : handbook of theory and research ; 20) 1-40