Found 69565 results.
Displaying results 34731 to 34740 of 69565.
Political science in Central-East Europe and the impact of politics : factors of diversity, forces of convergence
44268 EISFELD, Rainer Political science in Central-East Europe and the impact of politics : factors of diversity, forces of convergence Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 21 Bl. 2010 In: European
ETH Zürich im Wandel zwischen Tradition und Moderne : Herausforderungen für das Hochschulmanagement / Ralph Eichler ; Beat Gerber
44164 EICHLER, Ralph ETH Zürich im Wandel zwischen Tradition und Moderne : Herausforderungen für das Hochschulmanagement / Ralph Eichler ; Beat Gerber Düsseldorf : Verl.-Gruppe Handelsblatt, 2010 9 B
University systems ranking : citizens and society in the age of the knowledge / by Peer Ederer, Philipp Schuller and Stephan Willms
44043 EDERER, Peer University systems ranking : citizens and society in the age of the knowledge / by Peer Ederer, Philipp Schuller and Stephan Willms Brüssel, 2008 28 Bl. : graph. Darst. 2008 (The
Striking the balance : the role of English and German in a multilingual English-medium programme in German higher education / Clive W. Earls
44456 EARLS, Clive W. Striking the balance : the role of English and German in a multilingual English-medium programme in German higher education / Clive W. Earls 2014 In: Current issues in l
Ingenious Britain : making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe / by James Dyson
44177 DYSON, James Ingenious Britain : making the UK the leading high tech exporter in Europe / by James Dyson London, 2010 57 Bl. : graph. Darst. 2010 Internet:
Do tuition fees affect the mobility of university applicants? : evidence from a natural experiment / Nadja Dwenger ; Johanna Storck ; Katharina Wrohlich
44132 DWENGER, Nadja Do tuition fees affect the mobility of university applicants? : evidence from a natural experiment / Nadja Dwenger ; Johanna Storck ; Katharina Wrohlich Bonn, 2009 25 Bl. 2009 (I
Tales of university devolution : organizational behavior in the age of markets
44317 DOUGLASS, John Aubrey Tales of university devolution : organizational behavior in the age of markets Berkeley, 2012 13 Bl. 2012 (CSHE Research and Occasional Paper Series ; 6.12) Internet:
Searching for the holy grail of learning outcomes / John Aubrey Douglass, Greg Thomson, and Chun-Mei Zhao
44310 DOUGLASS, John Aubrey Searching for the holy grail of learning outcomes / John Aubrey Douglass, Greg Thomson, and Chun-Mei Zhao Berkeley, 2012 5 Bl. 2012 (CSHE Research and Occasional Paper Ser
Studieren in Deutschland
44237 Studieren in Deutschland Frankfurt, 2011 B 1 - B4 2011 Verlagsbeilage zur Ausgabe vom 28. Januar 2011 Studentenschaft : Studienverhalten ; Bedarf an Akademikern ; Hochschule und Staat :
Der Studiengangsbericht als Instrument zur Qualitätsentwicklung von Studiengängen / Katrin Thumser-Dauth ...
44383 Der Studiengangsbericht als Instrument zur Qualitätsentwicklung von Studiengängen / Katrin Thumser-Dauth ... 10 Bl. 2013 In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung : ZFHE ; Beiträge zu St