Found 69565 results.
Displaying results 37891 to 37900 of 69565.
Wissenschaftlich kompetent für den Beruf qualifizieren
25505 TEICHLER, Ulrich Wissenschaftlich kompetent für den Beruf qualifizieren 2009 In: Neue Anforderungen an die Lehre in Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen : Jahrestagung des HRK Bologna-Zent
Where shall the money come from? : publicity versus privately financed higher education
25103 TEICHLER, Ulrich Where shall the money come from? : publicity versus privately financed higher education 2008 In: Beyond 2010 : priorities and challenges for higher education in the nex
Student mobility and staff mobility in the European higher education area beyond 2010
27125 TEICHLER, Ulrich Student mobility and staff mobility in the European higher education area beyond 2010 2009 In: The European higher education area : perspectives on a moving target / Ba
Student enrolments and graduation trends in the OECD area : what can we learn from international statistics / Ulrich Teichler and Sandra Bürger
27771 TEICHLER, Ulrich Student enrolments and graduation trends in the OECD area : what can we learn from international statistics / Ulrich Teichler and Sandra Bürger 2008 In: Higher Educatio
The professional value of temporary study in another European country : employment and work of former ERASMUS students / Ulrich teichler ; Kerstin Janson
25569 TEICHLER, Ulrich The professional value of temporary study in another European country : employment and work of former ERASMUS students / Ulrich teichler ; Kerstin Janson 2007 In: Chall
Der Jargon der Nützlichkeit : zur Employability-Diskussion im Bologna-Prozess
25078 TEICHLER, Ulrich Der Jargon der Nützlichkeit : zur Employability-Diskussion im Bologna-Prozess 2007 In: Das Hochschulwesen. - 56 (2008) 3, S. 68 - 79 Bologna-Prozess ; Studienreform ;
Internationalization, globalization: Where are we heading?
25194 TEICHLER, Ulrich Internationalization, globalization: Where are we heading? 2008 In: Global competence for the future : employability, mobility, quality collaboration and current develo
Which identity for Europe?
27209 ROSSI, Pietro Which identity for Europe? 2009 In: Nach Bologna : allgemeine Bildung an Europas Universitäten = Bologna revisted : general education at Europe's universities / Matthias J
Welche Identität für Europa?
27208 ROSSI, Pietro Welche Identität für Europa? 2009 In: Nach Bologna : allgemeine Bildung an Europas Universitäten = Bologna revisted : general education at Europe's universities / Matthias
Increased competition and diversity in higher education : an empirical analysis of the Italian university system
27035 ROSSI, Federica Increased competition and diversity in higher education : an empirical analysis of the Italian university system 2009 In: Higher education policy. - 22 (2009) 4, S. 389