Found 69565 results.
Displaying results 38201 to 38210 of 69565.
Building a pipeline for diversity through intersectoral collaboration
24169 SIEGEL, David J. Building a pipeline for diversity through intersectoral collaboration 2008 In: Higher education. - 55 (2008) 5, S. 519 - 535 Ausland : USA : Studenten, Studium, Lehre
Die Dienstleistung, das Marketing und die Universität - einführende Überlegungen zum Thema
23136 SIEBENHAAR, Klaus Die Dienstleistung, das Marketing und die Universität - einführende Überlegungen zum Thema 2007 In: Master your Service : die Universität als Dienstleister / 1. Forum
Individual and school factors affecting students? participation and success in higher education / Boaz Shulruf ; John Hattle ; Sarah Tumen
24960 SHULRUF, Boaz Individual and school factors affecting students? participation and success in higher education / Boaz Shulruf ; John Hattle ; Sarah Tumen 2008 In: Higher education. - 56
Bureaucracy : the enemy of a quality culture
22443 SHORT, Angela Bureaucracy : the enemy of a quality culture 2007 In: EUA Bologna Handbook : making Bologna work / eds.: Eric Froment ... [u.a.]. - Berlin : Raabe, 2007. - B 4.5-1, S. 1 -
Student response to tuition increase by academic majors: empirical grounds for a cost-related tuition policy / Jung Cheol Shin ; Sande Milton
24295 SHIN, Jung Cheol Student response to tuition increase by academic majors: empirical grounds for a cost-related tuition policy / Jung Cheol Shin ; Sande Milton 2008 In: Higher education
Challenges to the academic profession development posed by the changing doctoral education in China
22713 SHEN, Hong Challenges to the academic profession development posed by the changing doctoral education in China 2007 In: Key challenges to the academic profession : UNESCO Forum on Highe
The change from private to public governance of British higher education : its consequences for higher education policy making 1980 - 2006
24784 SHATTOCK, Michael The change from private to public governance of British higher education : its consequences for higher education policy making 1980 - 2006 2008 In: Higher education qu
Factors influencing international students' choice of an education destination : a correspondence analysis / Tekle Shanka ; Vanessa Quintal ; Ruth Taylor
22742 SHANKA, Tekle Factors influencing international students' choice of an education destination : a correspondence analysis / Tekle Shanka ; Vanessa Quintal ; Ruth Taylor 2005 In: Journal
Weiterbildungsmanagement : vom Führungsmodell zum Kompetenzprofil / Peter Th. Senn und Helmut Ertel
24433 SENN, Peter Th. Weiterbildungsmanagement : vom Führungsmodell zum Kompetenzprofil / Peter Th. Senn und Helmut Ertel 2008 In: Wa(h)re Bildung : Gegenwart und Zukunft wissenschaftlicher W
Erfolgsrezept Fonds Filep : E-Learning mit Anreizen fördern
22540 SENGSTAD, Christian Erfolgsrezept Fonds Filep : E-Learning mit Anreizen fördern 2006 In: Hochschule im info-strukturellen Wandel : Erwartungen, Wirkungen und Bewertungen am Beispiel der