Found 69564 results.
Displaying results 43411 to 43420 of 69564.
Zur Rationalität der Wissenschaftsethik
27503 HOYNINGEN-HUENE, Paul Zur Rationalität der Wissenschaftsethik 2009 In: Ethos und Integrität der Wissenschaft / hrsg. von Gottfried Magerl ... - Wien [u.a.] : Böhlau, 2009. - S. 11 - 29,
Learning environment : relevant or not to students' decision to leave university? / Elisabeth Hovdhaugen and Per Olaf Aamondt
26556 HOVDHAUGEN, Elisabeth Learning environment : relevant or not to students' decision to leave university? / Elisabeth Hovdhaugen and Per Olaf Aamondt 2009 In: Quality in higher education.
Exploring quality in a university department : perspectives and meanings / Don Houston, Tom Robertson and Tom Prebble
25442 HOUSTON, Don Exploring quality in a university department : perspectives and meanings / Don Houston, Tom Robertson and Tom Prebble 2008 In: Quality in higher education. - 14 (2008) 3, S
Universitäre Kontaktgespräche als interkulturelle Kommunikationssituationen / Juliane House ; Magdaléne Lévy
27715 HOUSE, Juliane Universitäre Kontaktgespräche als interkulturelle Kommunikationssituationen / Juliane House ; Magdaléne Lévy 2008 In: Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität im Studium /
Scholarly communication costs in Australian higher education / by John W. Houghton with Colin Steele and Peter Sheehan
25213 HOUGHTON, John W. Scholarly communication costs in Australian higher education / by John W. Houghton with Colin Steele and Peter Sheehan 2008 In: Higher education management and policy.
From international exchange to intercultural competence
25197 HÖßLER, Ulrich From international exchange to intercultural competence 2008 In: Global competence for the future : employability, mobility, quality collaboration and current development
Testosteron reicht nicht / Interview mit Rüdiger Hossiep. Interview: Marion Hartig
27197 HOSSIEP, Rüdiger Testosteron reicht nicht / Interview mit Rüdiger Hossiep. Interview: Marion Hartig 2009 In: DUZ. - 65 (2009) 12, S. 12 - 13 Hochschullehrer : allgemein ; Hochschule :
The role of the state in the internationalization of universities in catching-up countries : an analysis of the Portuguese higher education system
27742 HORTA, Hugo The role of the state in the internationalization of universities in catching-up countries : an analysis of the Portuguese higher education system 2010 In: Higher education
Holding a post-doctoral position before becoming a faculty member : does it bring benefits for the scholarly enterprise?
26945 HORTA, Hugo Holding a post-doctoral position before becoming a faculty member : does it bring benefits for the scholarly enterprise? 2009 In: Higher education. - 58 (2009) 5, S. 689 - 7
Global and national prominent universities : internationalization, competitiveness and the role of the State
26695 HORTA, Hugo Global and national prominent universities : internationalization, competitiveness and the role of the State 2009 In: Higher education. - 58 (2009) 3, S. 387 - 405 Hochschu