Found 69564 results.
Displaying results 43961 to 43970 of 69564.
Geography in Germany
32468 GLASZE, Georg Geography in Germany 2011 In: A student's guide to European universities : sociology, political science, geography and history / Léna Krichewsky ... (eds.). - Opladen [u.a
Neue Zahlenspiele : internationale Rankings von Universitäten
32289 GLASER, Horst Albert Neue Zahlenspiele : internationale Rankings von Universitäten 2012 In: Forschung und Lehre. - 19 (2012) 3, S. 210 - 213 Hochschule : Wettbewerb
The university system in Britain / Mathhieu Giroud ; Marjolaine Roger ; Francois Zanetti
32469 GIROUD, Matthieu The university system in Britain / Mathhieu Giroud ; Marjolaine Roger ; Francois Zanetti 2011 In: A student's guide to European universities : sociology, political sci
Geography in Great Britain
32473 GIROUD, Matthieu Geography in Great Britain 2011 In: A student's guide to European universities : sociology, political science, geography and history / Léna Krichewsky ... (eds.). - Opl
Disciplinary epistemologies, generic attributes and undergraduate academic writing in nursing and midwifery
32092 GIMENEZ, Julio Disciplinary epistemologies, generic attributes and undergraduate academic writing in nursing and midwifery 2012 In: Higher education. - 63 (2012) 4, S. 401 - 419 Studen
Less developed countries (LDCs) facing higher education curricula reform challenges in a "new world (dis)order"
32799 GILDER, Eric Less developed countries (LDCs) facing higher education curricula reform challenges in a "new world (dis)order" 2011 In: European journal of higher education. - 1 (2011) 4,
Professionelles Selbstverständnis der Disziplin Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung / Wiltrud Gieseke ; Sylvana Dietel
32334 GIESEKE, Wiltrud Professionelles Selbstverständnis der Disziplin Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung / Wiltrud Gieseke ; Sylvana Dietel 2012 In: Zur akademischen Professionalisierung in der Erwa
Nachruf auf das Hochschulrahmengesetz
32301 GIESEKE, Ludwig Nachruf auf das Hochschulrahmengesetz 2012 In: Wissenschaftsrecht. - 45 (2012) 1, S. 3 - 12 Hochschule und Staat : allgemein ; Hochschule und Staat : Grundgesetz ; Hoch
Re-imagining the role and function of higher education for alternative futures through embracing glbal knowledge futures
32205 GIDLEY, Jennifer M. Re-imagining the role and function of higher education for alternative futures through embracing glbal knowledge futures 2012 In: European higher education at the cr
Leading outcomes, degree profiles, tuning project and competences : including a review of ?Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. A Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles ? Including Programme Competences and Programme Learning Outcomes? Published by the Competences in Education and Recognition Project 2 (CoRe2) / Andy Gibbs ; Declan Kennedy ; Anthony Vickers
32003 GIBBS, Andy Leading outcomes, degree profiles, tuning project and competences : including a review of ?Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. A Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles ?