Found 69564 results.
Displaying results 45691 to 45700 of 69564.
Introducing "SandRA" : visual representations of the research-teaching nexus as a tool in the dissemination of a new research strategy / Pauline Couper and Geoff Stoakes
29490 COUPER, Pauline Introducing "SandRA" : visual representations of the research-teaching nexus as a tool in the dissemination of a new research strategy / Pauline Couper and Geoff Stoakes 2011
Careers and the reorganisation of university and research systems in France and Germany
29711 COSTAS, Ilse Careers and the reorganisation of university and research systems in France and Germany 2010 In: GenderChange in Academia : re-mapping the field of work, knowledge, and pol
Ich möchte Teil einer feministischen Bildungsbewegung sein! : Bemerkungen zum Sexismus in den Studierendenprotesten in Österreich / Rosa Costa und Iris Mendel
29541 COSTA, Rosa Ich möchte Teil einer feministischen Bildungsbewegung sein! : Bemerkungen zum Sexismus in den Studierendenprotesten in Österreich / Rosa Costa und Iris Mendel 2010 In: Unidä
Die Universität Kiel im "Dritten Reich"
29474 CORNELIßEN, Christoph Die Universität Kiel im "Dritten Reich" 2009 In: Wissenschaft an der Grenze : die Universität Kiel im Nationalsozialismus / Christoph Cornelißen ; Carsten Mish (Hg
Curricular changes in accredited undergraduate programmes in Argentina / Maria Marta Coria, Monica Deluca and Maria Eugenia Martinez
29066 CORIA, Maria Marta Curricular changes in accredited undergraduate programmes in Argentina / Maria Marta Coria, Monica Deluca and Maria Eugenia Martinez 2010 In: Quality in higher educat
Der dritte Studienzyklus an Musikhochschulen : Versuch einer Standortbestimmung
30823 CORDES, Manfred Der dritte Studienzyklus an Musikhochschulen : Versuch einer Standortbestimmung 2011 In: Die deutschen Musikhochschulen : Positionen und Dokumente / Red.: Werner Heinric
Internationalisation and development : opportunities and pitfalls in university transnational education developments
30907 COPLAND, Geoffrey Internationalisation and development : opportunities and pitfalls in university transnational education developments 2009 In: Internationalisation of higher education
Work-life balance ibn academia : evidence from two Technical Universities / Sara Connolly ; Stefan Fuchs ; Claartje Vinkenburg
29832 CONNOLLY, Sara Work-life balance ibn academia : evidence from two Technical Universities / Sara Connolly ; Stefan Fuchs ; Claartje Vinkenburg 2010 In: Going diverse: innovative answers
Institutional structures to support the quality enhancement framework in Scotland : process efficiency or just muddling through? / Darren Comber and Lorraine Walsh
29062 COMBER, Darren Institutional structures to support the quality enhancement framework in Scotland : process efficiency or just muddling through? / Darren Comber and Lorraine Walsh 2010 I
UK : the university as economic actor
30986 COLOMBO, Sabrina UK : the university as economic actor 2011 In: European universities and the challenge of the market : a comparative analysis / Marino Regini. - Cheltenham, UK [u.a.] :