Found 69564 results.
Displaying results 46081 to 46090 of 69564.
Future directions for the Scottish enhancement-led approach to quality
25942 DAVIDSON, Alan Future directions for the Scottish enhancement-led approach to quality 2009 In: Trends in quality assurance : a selection of papers from the 3rd European Quality Assuranc
Social diversity and democracy in higher education in the 21st century : towards a feminist critique
25731 DAVID, Miriam E. Social diversity and democracy in higher education in the 21st century : towards a feminist critique 2009 In: Higher education policy. - 22 (2009) 1, S. 61 - 79 Auslan
Gender equality as organizational change : frames, challenges and strategies in the European Union and the United States
26502 DANOWITZ, Mary Ann Gender equality as organizational change : frames, challenges and strategies in the European Union and the United States 2008 In: Gender equality programmes in higher
Experience of higher education for sustainable development in the Republic of Armenia / Karine Danielyan and Artak Sahradyan
25182 DANIELYAN, Karine Experience of higher education for sustainable development in the Republic of Armenia / Karine Danielyan and Artak Sahradyan 2006 In: Higher education for sustainabili
The search for transparency : convergence and diversity in the Bologna Process
26113 DAMME, Dirk van The search for transparency : convergence and diversity in the Bologna Process 2009 In: Mapping the higher education landscape : towards a European classification of hig
Verfassungsgemäß? : über den Hochschulrat in Nordrhein-Westfalen
27917 DALLINGER, Peter Verfassungsgemäß? : über den Hochschulrat in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2010 In: Forschung und Lehre. - 17 (2010) 2, S. 108 - 109, Internet:
Changing meanings of "the Europe of Knowledge" and "Modernizing the university," from Bologna to the "New Lisbon"
25964 DALE, Roger Changing meanings of "the Europe of Knowledge" and "Modernizing the university," from Bologna to the "New Lisbon" 2007 In: European Education. - 39 (2007) 4, S. 27 - 42 Bol
The changing academic profession in an era of university reform in Japan / Tsujasa Daizen and Atsunori Yamanoi
25664 DAIZEN, Tsukasa The changing academic profession in an era of university reform in Japan / Tsujasa Daizen and Atsunori Yamanoi 2008 In: The changing academic profession in international
Von LAMA zu BAMA : über den Strukturwandel des Studiums in den Geisteswissenschaften
27067 DAINAT, Holger Von LAMA zu BAMA : über den Strukturwandel des Studiums in den Geisteswissenschaften 2008 In: Arts and figures : Geisteswissenschaftlerinnen im Beruf / hrsg. von Constant
Studienfinanzierung im internationalen Vergleich
26996 DAHM, Jochen Studienfinanzierung im internationalen Vergleich 2009 In: Studiengebühren in der gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung : 10 Jahre Aktionsbündnis gegen Studiengebühren (ABS)