Found 69601 results.
Displaying results 46121 to 46130 of 69601.
Academics' professionalism and quality mechanisms : challenges and tensions
27319 CHENG, Ming Academics' professionalism and quality mechanisms : challenges and tensions 2009 In: Quality in higher education. - 15 (2009) 3, S. 193 - 205 Ausland : Großbritannien : Hoc
Building an international strategy / Antoinette Charon Wauters ; Dominique Arlettaz
25244 CHARON WAUTERS, Antoinette Building an international strategy / Antoinette Charon Wauters ; Dominique Arlettaz 2008 In: Internationalisation of European Higher Education : an EUA/ACA Ha
The Bologna-Process : the outcome of competition between Europe and the United States and a stimulus to this competition / Jean-Emile Charlier and Sarah Croche
25963 CHARLIER, Jean-Emile The Bologna-Process : the outcome of competition between Europe and the United States and a stimulus to this competition / Jean-Emile Charlier and Sarah Croche 2007
The effects of different loan schemes for higher education tuition : an analysis of rates of return and tuition revenue in Thailand / Bruce Chapman and Kiatanantha Lounkaew
26679 CHAPMAN, Bruce The effects of different loan schemes for higher education tuition : an analysis of rates of return and tuition revenue in Thailand / Bruce Chapman and Kiatanantha Lounkaew 200
External perceptions of successful university brands
27426 CHAPLEO, Chris External perceptions of successful university brands 2008 In: International Journal of Educational Advancement. - 8 (2008) 3-4, S. 126 - 135, Intranet: N:\Intranet\Biblio
Faculty perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy in Taiwan / Te-Sheng Chang ; Wilbert McKeachie ; Yi-Guang Lin
27684 CHANG, Te-Sheng Faculty perceptions of teaching support and teaching efficacy in Taiwan / Te-Sheng Chang ; Wilbert McKeachie ; Yi-Guang Lin 2010 In: Higher education. - 59 (2010) 2, S.
Proposal for using a studio format to enhance institutional advancement
27427 CHANCE, Shannon Proposal for using a studio format to enhance institutional advancement 2008 In: International Journal of Educational Advancement. - 8 (2008) 3-4, S. 111 - 125, Intranet
Similar agendas, diverse strategies : the quest for a regional hub of higher education in Hong Kong and Sinagapore / David Chan and Pak Tee Ng
25114 CHAN, David Similar agendas, diverse strategies : the quest for a regional hub of higher education in Hong Kong and Sinagapore / David Chan and Pak Tee Ng 2008 In: Higher education poli
Curiosity and the transformative impact of fundamental scientific research / Jean-Lou A. Chameau and Carol S. Carmichael
27691 CHAMEAU, Jean-Lou A. Curiosity and the transformative impact of fundamental scientific research / Jean-Lou A. Chameau and Carol S. Carmichael 2010 In: University research for innovation
Access and relevance in American higher education
26045 CERVERO, Ronald M. Access and relevance in American higher education 2009 In: Weiterbildung im Elfenbeinturm / Michaela Knust ; Anke Hanft (Hrsg.). - Münster [u.a.] : Waxmann, 2009. - S