Found 69601 results.
Displaying results 46651 to 46660 of 69601.
Balancing economic and other discourses in the internationalization of higher education in South Africa / Mel Dunn and Pam Nilan
23068 DUNN, Mel Balancing economic and other discourses in the internationalization of higher education in South Africa / Mel Dunn and Pam Nilan 2007 In: International review of education. -
Länderstudie Frankreich / Torsten Dunkel ; Isabelle Le Mouillour
23521 DUNKEL, Torsten Länderstudie Frankreich / Torsten Dunkel ; Isabelle Le Mouillour 2007 In: Weiterbildung und lebenslanges Lernen in Hochschulen : eine internationale Vergleichsstudie zu
University engagement : avoidable confusion and inescapable contradiction
24793 DUKE, Chris University engagement : avoidable confusion and inescapable contradiction 2008 In: Higher education management and policy. - 20 (2008) 2, S. 87 - 97 Hochschule : gegenwärti
Higher education in the 21st century : global imperatives, regional challenges, national responsibilities and emerging opportunities
24977 DUDERSTADT, James J. Higher education in the 21st century : global imperatives, regional challenges, national responsibilities and emerging opportunities 2008 In: The globalization of h
The globalization of higher education / James Duderstadt, Jerry Taggart and Luc Weber
24984 DUDERSTADT, James J. The globalization of higher education / James Duderstadt, Jerry Taggart and Luc Weber 2008 In: The globalization of higher education / ed. by Luc E. Weber; James J.
Statement zur Podiumsdiskussion
22400 DUDA, Gerhard Statement zur Podiumsdiskussion 2007 In: Internationalisierungsstrategien der Fachhochschulen : Dokumentation der 35. Jahrestagung des Bad Wiesseer Kreises, 25. Mai - 28.
The European research area and the European higher education area : where do they meet and produce synergies?
24903 DUDA, Gerhard The European research area and the European higher education area : where do they meet and produce synergies? 2008 In: EUA Bologna Handbook : making Bologna work / eds.: E
Gut strukturiert und zielgerichtet : Tipps zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Vorlesungen
23471 DUBS, Rolf Gut strukturiert und zielgerichtet : Tipps zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Vorlesungen 2008 In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre : Lehren und Lernen effizient gestalten /
Entrepreneurial academics developing scientific careers in changing university settings / Joanne Duberley, Laurie Cohen and Elspeth Leeson
23087 DUBERLEY, Joanne Entrepreneurial academics developing scientific careers in changing university settings / Joanne Duberley, Laurie Cohen and Elspeth Leeson 2007 In: Higher education qua
Conceptions of learning and approaches to learning in Portuguese students
23256 DUARTE, António M. Conceptions of learning and approaches to learning in Portuguese students 2007 In: Higher education. - 54 (2007) 6, S. 781 - 794 Ausland : Portugal : Studenten, Stud