Found 69565 results.
Displaying results 49821 to 49830 of 69565.
United Kingdom : an increasingly differentiated profession / John Brennan, William Locke and Rajani Naidoo
23113 BRENNAN, John United Kingdom : an increasingly differentiated profession / John Brennan, William Locke and Rajani Naidoo 2007 In: The changing conditions for academic work and careers i
The rise of the "evaluative society" and the legitimisation of "difference" in UK higher education
24588 BRENNAN, John The rise of the "evaluative society" and the legitimisation of "difference" in UK higher education 2007 In: Towards a cartography of higher education policy change : a Fes
It's not always what you know : why graduates get jobs
24686 BRENNAN, John It's not always what you know : why graduates get jobs 2008 In: Hochschule im Wandel : die Universität als Forschungsgegenstand ; Festschrift für Ulrich Teichler / Barbara
Higher education and the achievement (and/or prevention) of equity and social justice / John Brennan ; Rajani Naidoo
24778 BRENNAN, John Higher education and the achievement (and/or prevention) of equity and social justice / John Brennan ; Rajani Naidoo 2008 In: Higher education. - 56 (2008) 3, S. 287 - 30
Higher education and social change
24782 BRENNAN, John Higher education and social change 2008 In: Higher education. - 56 (2008) 3, S. 381 - 393 Hochschule und Staat : allgemein ; Hochschule : Wettbewerb ; Hochschule und Gese
The future of higher education and of higher education research : higher education looking forward ; an introduction / John Brennan ; Ulrich Teichler
24776 BRENNAN, John The future of higher education and of higher education research : higher education looking forward ; an introduction / John Brennan ; Ulrich Teichler 2008 In: Higher educa
Equity, quality and employability : lessons from the United Kingdom
23071 BRENNAN, John Equity, quality and employability : lessons from the United Kingdom 2007 In: Looking back to look forward : analyses of higher education after the turn of the millennium /
The academic profession and increasing expectations of relevance
22706 BRENNAN, John The academic profession and increasing expectations of relevance 2007 In: Key challenges to the academic profession : UNESCO Forum on Higher Education Research and Knowled
Qualität in der Lehre durch eLearning - Qualität im eLearning
22283 BREMER, Claudia Qualität in der Lehre durch eLearning - Qualität im eLearning 2007 In: eLearning nach Bologna : Prozesse, Projekte Perspektiven / Christoph auf der Horst ; Holger Ehlert
Zur gegenwärtigen Lage der deutschen Hochschulfinanzierung
24852 BREITBACH, Michael Zur gegenwärtigen Lage der deutschen Hochschulfinanzierung 2008 In: Handbuch Praxis Wissenschaftsfinanzierung : Forschung, Personal und Ausstattung nachhaltig sichern