Found 69565 results.
Displaying results 51881 to 51890 of 69565.
Lehrveranstaltungsbewertungen : technische Entwicklungen zur Auswertung von Massendaten nach dem Bielefelder Modell der Evaluation
19348 CRAANEN, Michael Lehrveranstaltungsbewertungen : technische Entwicklungen zur Auswertung von Massendaten nach dem Bielefelder Modell der Evaluation 2005 In: Das Hochschulwesen. - 53 (20
Evaluationsforschung als Aufgabe der Hochschuldidaktik : Beiträge zur Verfahrensentwicklung empirischer Untersuchungen / Michael Craanen ; Andreas Laaser
19457 CRAANEN, Michael Evaluationsforschung als Aufgabe der Hochschuldidaktik : Beiträge zur Verfahrensentwicklung empirischer Untersuchungen / Michael Craanen ; Andreas Laaser 2005 In: Notwe
Identifying didactic knowledge: an empirical study of the educationally critical aspects of learning about information systems / Cope, Chris ; Prosser, Mike
19108 COPE, Chris Identifying didactic knowledge: an empirical study of the educationally critical aspects of learning about information systems / Cope, Chris ; Prosser, Mike 2005 In: Higher
Europe and the crisis in scientific vocations
19156 CONVERT, Bernard Europe and the crisis in scientific vocations 2005 In: European journal of education. - 40 (2005) 4, S. 361 - 366 Ausland : Europa : Forschung ; Informationsgesellscha
Quality assurance and E-learning : reflections from the front line / Connolly, Michael ; Jones, Norah ; O'Shea, John
19376 CONNOLLY, Michael Quality assurance and E-learning : reflections from the front line / Connolly, Michael ; Jones, Norah ; O'Shea, John 2005 In: Quality in higher education. - 11 (2005)
Academic freedom under fire
19173 COLE, Jonathan R. Academic freedom under fire 2005 In: Daedalus : Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. - 134 (2005) 2, S. 5 - 17 Ausland : USA : Hochschulwesen allgeme
The value of student engagement for higher education quality assurance
19373 COATES, Hamish The value of student engagement for higher education quality assurance 2005 In: Quality in higher education. - 11 (2005) 1, S. 25 - 36 Ausland : Australien : Studenten,
Old games, old players - new rules, new results : influence and agency in the European Research Area (ERA)
19331 CASWILL, Chris Old games, old players - new rules, new results : influence and agency in the European Research Area (ERA) 2003 In: Changing governance of research and technology policy
Shared governance through mutual policy learning : some implications of the ERA strategy for the "Open Co-ordination" of research policies in Europe
19330 CARACOSTAS, Paraskevas Shared governance through mutual policy learning : some implications of the ERA strategy for the "Open Co-ordination" of research policies in Europe 2003 In: Chan
Disciplinarity: a barrier to quality assurance? : the UK experience of area studies
19374 CANNING, John Disciplinarity: a barrier to quality assurance? : the UK experience of area studies 2005 In: Quality in higher education. - 11 (2005) 1, S. 37 - 46 Ausland : Großbritanni