Found 69564 results.
Displaying results 53031 to 53040 of 69564.
Strengthening consumer choice in higher education
21115 JONGBLOED, Ben Strengthening consumer choice in higher education 2006 In: Cost-sharing and accessibility in higher education : a fairer deal? / ed. by Pedro N. Teixeira ... - Dordrecht
Regulation and competition in higher education
21168 JONGBLOED, Ben Regulation and competition in higher education 2004 In: Markets in higher education : rhetoric or reality? / ed. by: Pedro Teixeira ... - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer Acad.
Lifelong learning in the European Union : whither the Lisbon Strategy
21133 JONES, Hywel Ceri Lifelong learning in the European Union : whither the Lisbon Strategy 2005 In: European journal of education. - 40 (2005) 3, S. 247 - 260 Europäische Zusammenarbeit ;
The restructuring of academic work : themes and observations
21958 JONES, Glen A. The restructuring of academic work : themes and observations 2006 In: Higher education in Europe. - 31 (2006) 3, S. 317 - 325 Hochschule : Idee und Aufgabe ; Hochschule
Madly off in all directions : higher education, marketisation and Canadian federalism / Glen A. Jones and Stacey J. Young
21172 JONES, Glen A. Madly off in all directions : higher education, marketisation and Canadian federalism / Glen A. Jones and Stacey J. Young 2004 In: Markets in higher education : rhetoric
21266 JONES, Glen A. Canada 2006 In: International handbook of higher education / ed. by James J. F. Forest ; Philip G. Altbach. Bd. 2.: Regions and countries. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2006. -
Cost-sharing and equity in higher education : implications of income contigent loans
21166 JOHNSTONE, Bruce D. Cost-sharing and equity in higher education : implications of income contigent loans 2004 In: Markets in higher education : rhetoric or reality? / ed. by: Pedro Teix
Cost-sharing and the cost-effectiveness of grants and loan subsides to higher education
21116 JOHNSTONE, Bruce Cost-sharing and the cost-effectiveness of grants and loan subsides to higher education 2006 In: Cost-sharing and accessibility in higher education : a fairer deal? / e
The evaluation of welfare under alternative models of higher education finance
21169 JOHNES, Geraint The evaluation of welfare under alternative models of higher education finance 2004 In: Markets in higher education : rhetoric or reality? / ed. by: Pedro Teixeira ... -
Gestufte Studiengänge im Fach Rechtswissenschaften : der Bachelor- und Master-Studiengang Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Greifswald
21997 JOECKS, Wolfgang Gestufte Studiengänge im Fach Rechtswissenschaften : der Bachelor- und Master-Studiengang Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Greifswald 2006 In: Handbuch Qualität