Found 69567 results.
Displaying results 6231 to 6240 of 69567.
Erfolgreich auf dem Weiterbildungsmarkt : das Weiterbildende Fernstudium Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften / Sigrid Matzick
39279 MATZICK, Sigrid Erfolgreich auf dem Weiterbildungsmarkt : das Weiterbildende Fernstudium Angewandte Gesundheitswissenschaften / Sigrid Matzick 2016 In: Weiterbildung : Zeitschrift für G
How are UK academics engaging the public wirth their research? : a cross-disciplinary perspective / Lesley Chikoree ...
39942 How are UK academics engaging the public wirth their research? : a cross-disciplinary perspective / Lesley Chikoree ... 2016 In: Higher education quarterly. - 70 (2016) 2, S. 145 - 169
Going Glocal: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of global citizenship education at a Dutch liberal arts and sciences college / M. Skald ...
41212 Going Glocal: a qualitative and quantitative analysis of global citizenship education at a Dutch liberal arts and sciences college / M. Skald ... 2016 In: Higher education. - 72 (2016)
Die Führung ausländischer akademischer Grade in Schleswig-Holstein / Schleswig-Holstein, Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Wissenschaft und Gleichstellung
40010 Die Führung ausländischer akademischer Grade in Schleswig-Holstein / Schleswig-Holstein, Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Wissenschaft und Gleichstellung Kiel : Minist. für Soziales, Gesu
Follow the leaders? : an analysis of convergence and innovation of faculty recruiting practices in US business schools / David Finch ...
39742 Follow the leaders? : an analysis of convergence and innovation of faculty recruiting practices in US business schools / David Finch ... 2016 In: Higher education. - 71 (2016) 5, S. 69
Excellence in doctoral supervision : an examination of authoritative sources across four countries in search of performance higher than competence / Alistair McCulloch...
39956 Excellence in doctoral supervision : an examination of authoritative sources across four countries in search of performance higher than competence / Alistair McCulloch... 2016 In: Qual
The contribution of self-efficacy to the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention / Jiun-Hao Wang ...
39949 The contribution of self-efficacy to the relationship between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention / Jiun-Hao Wang ... 2016 In: Higher education. - 72 (2016) 2, S. 209 - 22
Career satisfaction of postdoctoral researchers in relation to their expectations for the future / Inge van der Weijden ...
39859 Career satisfaction of postdoctoral researchers in relation to their expectations for the future / Inge van der Weijden ... 2016 In: Higher education. - 72 (2016) 1, S. 25 - 40 WEIJDEN
Nepalese students' human capital accumulation in Germany / Ranjita Nepal and Beatrice Knerr
39423 NEPAL, Ranjita Nepalese students' human capital accumulation in Germany / Ranjita Nepal and Beatrice Knerr 2015 In: Asian students in Germany : contexts of their studies, living conditi
Exploring the transformation of actorship among students at a small Swedish university : background, actorship and achievement / Anders Nelson
39326 NELSON, Anders Exploring the transformation of actorship among students at a small Swedish university : background, actorship and achievement / Anders Nelson 2016 In: Higher education.