Found 69567 results.
Displaying results 6381 to 6390 of 69567.
Kleine Veränderung - großer Gewinn? : Effekte struktureller Veränderungen in der gymnasialen Lehrerausbildung / Anna Chr. M. Zaunbauer
39141 Kleine Veränderung - großer Gewinn? : Effekte struktureller Veränderungen in der gymnasialen Lehrerausbildung / Anna Chr. M. Zaunbauer 2015 In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung. - 37 (2
Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsseminar : Erkenntnisse aus dem Pilotprojekt INDISNET / Thomas Clavel ...
38797 Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsseminar : Erkenntnisse aus dem Pilotprojekt INDISNET / Thomas Clavel ... 2015 In: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre : Lehren und Lernen effizient gestalten
Implications of project-based funding of research on budgeting and financial management in public universities / Ringa Raudla ...
39046 Implications of project-based funding of research on budgeting and financial management in public universities / Ringa Raudla ... 2015 In: Higher education. - 70 (2015) 6, S. 957 - 971
Die Weiterbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern : vom Staatsmonopol zum handelbaren Gut? / Lucien Criblez
39155 CRIBLEZ, Lucien Die Weiterbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern : vom Staatsmonopol zum handelbaren Gut? / Lucien Criblez 2015 In: Bildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern : Herausforderungen
Translating the "European character for researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" in national arenas : Norway vs Spain / Meng-Hsuan Chou and José Real-Dato
38832 CHOU, Meng-Hsuan Translating the "European character for researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" in national arenas : Norway vs Spain / Meng-Hsuan Chou and José R
The evolution of the European research area as an idea in European integration / Meng-Hsuan Chou
38812 CHOU, Meng-Hsuan The evolution of the European research area as an idea in European integration / Meng-Hsuan Chou 2014 In: Building the knowledge economy in Europe : new constellations
Building a European knowledge area : an introduction to the dynamics of policy domains on the rise / Meng-Hsuan Chou and Ase Gornitzka
38802 CHOU, Meng-Hsuan Building a European knowledge area : an introduction to the dynamics of policy domains on the rise / Meng-Hsuan Chou and Ase Gornitzka 2014 In: Building the knowledge e
Transnational governances in higher education : new universities, rhetorics, and networks in postwar Singapore / Grace Ai-Ling Chou
38843 CHOU, Grace Ai-Ling Transnational governances in higher education : new universities, rhetorics, and networks in postwar Singapore / Grace Ai-Ling Chou 2015 In: European Education. - 47
Professionalism, profession and quality assurance practitioners in external quality assurance agencies in higher education / Jordan C. M. Cheung
38931 CHEUNG, Jordan C. M. Professionalism, profession and quality assurance practitioners in external quality assurance agencies in higher education / Jordan C. M. Cheung 2015 In: Quality in
A comparison of compliance and aspirational accreditation models : recounting a university's experience with both a Taiwanese and an American accreditation body / Nellie S. Cheng
39050 CHENG, Nellie S. A comparison of compliance and aspirational accreditation models : recounting a university's experience with both a Taiwanese and an American accreditation body / Nellie S. Chen