Found 69601 results.
Displaying results 69461 to 69470 of 69601.
Enhancing Internationalisation and Managing Partnerships
HRK-DIES Seminar “Enhancing Internationalisation and Managing Partnerships between Higher Education Institutions in Germany and Jordan” 12/13 November 2012, Amman, Jord
Activities The German Rectors´ Conference (HRK) helps to set the political agenda and lead public discussion on all issues relating to the universities. It develops basic positions at German, Europ
Greece On 4 and 5 June 2014, representatives from Rectors’ Conferences and the presidents and rectors of Greek and German universities met to discuss the current state of the Greek and German highe
Multilateral cooperation
Multilateral Cooperation Cooperation between the Rectors’ Conferences of Europe and Latin America The German Rectors' Conference (HRK) participates the ALFA Puentes project, which is int
Central America
Central America The German Rectors' Conference (HRK) has established contacts with the Rectors' Council of the Central American Universities (CSUCA) since 1996 as part of their commitment to de
HRK-Logo If you have questions or need a special format, please contact Petra Löllgen (Tel. +49 (0) 228/887-157, loellgen nospam- ). Logo in English - colour
Jordanian University Presidents Visit Germany
Jordanian University Presidents Visit Germany 3 - 5 December 2013, Bonn, Cologne, Gießen In the context of the DIES-programme, the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) organised a fact finding infor
“Stakeholder Involvement in Higher Education in Germany and Jordan”
HRK-DIES Seminar “Stakeholder Involvement in Higher Education in Germany and Jordan” 17/18 November 2014, Amman, Jordan By organizing the DIES -Seminar, the HRK supports the growing intere
Argentina German-Argentine cooperation in higher education has intensified over the past few years. A significant catalyst in this was the German-Argentine Centre for Higher Education , which wa
Chile In many respects, the contact between Chile and Germany is very strong due to the historical connections that exist. In higher education, Chile is the second-most important South American coo