Found 69601 results.
Displaying results 761 to 770 of 69601.
Modelling success networks to improve the quality of undergraduate education / Geoff Woolcott ...
46327 Modelling success networks to improve the quality of undergraduate education / Geoff Woolcott ... 2017 In: Quality in higher education. - 23 (2017) 2, S. 120 - 137 WOOLCOTT, Geoff Stud
Mechanisms for promoting the development of cognitive, social and affective graduate attributes / David Kember ...
46471 Mechanisms for promoting the development of cognitive, social and affective graduate attributes / David Kember ... 2017 In: Higher education. - 74 (2017) 5, S. 799 - 814 KEMBER, David
Mapping next generation learning spaces as a designed quality enhancement process / Simon N. Leonard ...
46330 Mapping next generation learning spaces as a designed quality enhancement process / Simon N. Leonard ... 2017 In: Quality in higher education. - 23 (2017) 2, S. 168 - 182 LEONARD, Simo
Leitsätze und Entscheidung - Bundesverfassungsgericht 1 BvL 3/14, 1 BvL 4/14 : [Bundes- und landesgesetzliche Vorschriften über die Studienplatzvergabe für das Fach Humanmedizin teilweise mit dem Grundgesetz unvereinbar]
46166 Leitsätze und Entscheidung - Bundesverfassungsgericht 1 BvL 3/14, 1 BvL 4/14 : [Bundes- und landesgesetzliche Vorschriften über die Studienplatzvergabe für das Fach Humanmedizin teilweise mit d
Leiden Sie unter Überakademisierung? : notwendige Akademisierung oder "Akademisierungswahn"? - oder ein Drittes? ; Ergebnisse des 10. Hochschulforums Sylt 2016) / Wolf-Dietrich Webler (Hg.)
79932 Leiden Sie unter Überakademisierung? : notwendige Akademisierung oder "Akademisierungswahn"? - oder ein Drittes? ; Ergebnisse des 10. Hochschulforums Sylt 2016) / Wolf-Dietrich Webler (Hg.) Bi
International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region / Claudia Danker...
46437 International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region / Claudia Danker... 2017 In: Die neue Hochschule. - 59 (2017) 6, S. 12 - 15 DANKER, Claudia Hochschulen : Stralsund FH : Stude
International faculty in higher education : comparative perspectives on recruitment, integration, and impact / ed. by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach and Laura E. Rumbley
79927 International faculty in higher education : comparative perspectives on recruitment, integration, and impact / ed. by Maria Yudkevich, Philip G. Altbach and Laura E. Rumbley New York [u.a.] :
International faculty in a Brazilian university : international trajectories in a nationalized system of scientific production / Ana Maria F. Almeida ...
45909 International faculty in a Brazilian university : international trajectories in a nationalized system of scientific production / Ana Maria F. Almeida ... 2017 In: International faculty
Integrating International Student Mobility in Work-Based Higher Education : the Case of Germany / Lukas Graf, Justin J. W. Powell, Johann Fortwengel, and Nadine Bernhard
46260 Integrating International Student Mobility in Work-Based Higher Education : the Case of Germany / Lukas Graf, Justin J. W. Powell, Johann Fortwengel, and Nadine Bernhard 2017 In: Journ
Institutionalizing Global Citizenship : a Critical Analysis of Higher Education Programs and Curricula / Fatih Aktas ...
46254 Institutionalizing Global Citizenship : a Critical Analysis of Higher Education Programs and Curricula / Fatih Aktas ... 2017 In: Journal of studies in international education : a publ