HRK – KCUE Higher Education Policy Forum 2013

4 July 2013, Bonn


TOPIC 1: Higher Education Policy Reform: Current Status and Challenges
“Current Higher Education Policy Reform in South Korea”
Professor SEO Geosuk,President, KCUE; President, Chonbuk National University
Current Higher Education Policy Reform in Germany”
Professor Dr Horst Hippler, President, HRK

TOPIC 2: Strategies for Internationalising Universities in Korea and Germany
“Impact and Relevance of Institutional Internationalisation Strategies”
Professor Dr Bernd Engler, Rector, University of Tübingen
“Strategies for Internationalising Korean Universities”
Professor KIM Jun Young, Vice-President KCUE; President, Sungkyunkwan University

TOPIC 3: Enhancing Mobility between Korean and German Universities
“Enhancing Student Mobility”
Professor BU Gu-Wuck, Vice President, KCUE; President, Youngsan University
“Best Practices of Korean-German cooperation: The FAU Busan Campus”
Professor Dr Karl-Dieter Grüske, Vice-President, HRK; President, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg